The introduction to Tatar's book mention different reactions to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's classic story
Little Red Riding Hood. She mentions Luciano Pavorotti's reaction to the story who connected with the main heroine and did not want her to die while on the other hand Charles Dickens responded to Red Riding Hood with an affection of love. These two reactions are not that far apart form each other. The first reaction that I can remember when I first heard this story when I was younger was a feeling of jealousy. I was really upset that Red Riding Hood got to go out all on her own to her grandmother's house without any supervision. I wanted to know why I was not allowed to do something like that since I assumed at the time Red Riding Hood and I were the same age. Once my mom got to the end of the story I really had no desire to have as much responsibility as I had previously wished; but still for a little bit I was really jealous of Red Riding Hood.
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