Here is the study guide that I threw together while in class on the good ole day of Monday...
Material to know:
1. Tatar endings
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Frog Prince
Jack and the Beanstalk
2.Talbot pages
92, 27, 28, 206, 134, around183 - 186.
3. Alice in Wonderland
Humpty Dumpty
Wool and Water
Tweedledee and Tweedledum
Question of Morals
4. Linda Sexson's lecture
5. My Book and Heart Shall Never Part
6. Classmate questions
Q: Who is the classic illustrator of Alice?
A: John Tenniel
Q: Last word in Beauty and the Beast?
A: Virtue
Q: Who wins after death?
A: Worms, we triumph through art
Q: Oscar Wilde says "life imitates?"
A: Art
Q: 5 themes of this class
A: Myth, dreams, art, coincidences, and history
Q: Who does the white knight seem to resemble?
A: Lewis Carroll
Q: What is the counterpart "How doth the little busy bee"?
A: "How doth the little crocodile"
Q: What does the Mock Turtle sing about?
A: Soup
Q: What is the Mad Hatter's answer to his own question?
A: I haven't the slightest idea
Q: According to Talbot who is the second most quoted person besides Shakespeare?
A: Lewis Carroll
Q: _______ is a depersonalized ______ and______ is a personalized _______.
A: Myth, dream, dream, myth
Q: Who explains a portmanteau?
A: Humpty Dumpty
Q: Stephanie thinks which is the rudest of all the flowers?
A: Violets
Q: The word animated contains what word that means soul?
A: Anime
Q: Where does Alice live in all of us?
A: Collective unconscious
Q: Who is the volcano?
A: Alice
Q: How tall does Alice shrink to when she drinks her first drink?
A: 10 inches
Q: What is the name of the deleted chapter from Alice?
A: Wasp and the Wig
Q: How does Alice offend the mouse?
A: She mentions cats
Q: What was one of the themes of the Protestant Reformation?
A: To teach moral values
Q: What was the language that the first American Bible was printed in.
A: Algonquin
Q: What 2 animals sparked curiosity before Darwin?
A: Mammoth and a monkey
Q: Why is the Mad Hatter mad?
A: Mercury in headbands, misplaced concreteness
Q: Create an anagram...
Q: What does the White Rabbit drop by Alice?
A: White gloves and a fan
Q: What do Beauty's tears turn into during the movie?
A: Diamonds
Q: Reading a story. Trust the ____ and not the ____.
A: Tale and teller
Q: Lewis Carroll's stutter inspired what character?
A: The Dodo
Q: What is "its interesting cause I'm interesting'?
A: Tautology
Q: Goody To Shoes is an emblem that adults lack.
A: Perfection
Q: Tweedledee and Tweedledum say "If I am part of a dream that what are you?"
A: Ditto, ditto, ditto
Q: The theme of this class is to?
A: Look into the darkside
Q: Who was the most accomplished serial killer in England?
A: Maryann Cotton
Q: Who are the two primary ghosts in Talbot?
A: Sid James and the White Lady
Q: Jaberwocky was based on what?
A: Lambton worm
Q: What is the last line in the Looking Glass?
A: "Life wht is it but a dream?"
A: Acrostic
Q: All art inspires to the condition of what? (Walter Peter)
A: Art
Q: The text informs what?
A: Reality