The first time that I saw the Northern Lights I was up in Alaska in Girdwood. We were visiting my aunt and uncle and we were there in the winter time and because of that it was dark almost all of the day. It was so crazy to be walking outside around 3:00 pm and have it be totally dark outside. Anyways my dad and I were walking around just more or less exploring cause we did not want to help with cooking dinner so we left the house. I am getting off topic, anyways we were just walking around and it was literally like somebody just turned on a switch. Almost instantly the lights were dancing above our heads. One minute there was nothing in the sky but stars and then all of a sudden came then burst of light that danced above our heads. It was the most intense thing to have thrust upon you when you are not expecting it. My father was thrilled about it, but since I was younger and had no idea what the heck was going on I was super confused. My dad explained to me what was going on pretty much in a nutshell, but lets be honest it went in one ear and out the other. I didn't care at age 12 or 13 how those lights got to where they were, I was just happy they were there. Since then I have never seen the Northern Lights with such intensity again. On that afternoon the lights were bright greens and blues and they were such bright and vibrant colors it was almost unimaginable. I have the lights again back here in Montana but they seemed to be more greens and reds. The last time that I had the chance to see them were my freshman year here at MSU back in 2004. So I think its about time that I see them again.
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