Monday, December 8, 2008


In Oxford there are many different things to stop by and see from Christ Church, to the Camera, punting on the Thames, and the Eagle and Child pub. Here at the Eagle and Child many people have frequented to grab a pint and food many a time. The reason this pub happens to be so famous and popular is for two people who used to be regulars. C.S. Lewis and J.R Tolkien would meet here regularly with The Inklings. This was a group of literary friends who would meet every Tuesday nights to discuss their latest works and to get feedback on what their peers thought. Both The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings was tossed around at these meetings...

Oxford seems to be the place where wonderful literature thrives. Before C.S. Lewis and J.R. Tolkien was Lewis Carroll who was a professor at Oxford Uni. He gathered a lot of inspiration from all around the school and town of Oxford. If you visit today you can see signs of Carroll still left all over the place...

Oxford, Christ Church in particular, has been not only the inspiration for many stories but also the set of popular literature. Christ Church banquet hall and courtyard has been used in many movies, but most recently has been for Harry Potter along with the Golden Compass.

Both of these spots have begun to attract a lot of attention and becoming a must do when going to Oxford!

Oxford is such an imaginative place that I am sure it will continue to be a spot where people can become inspired to write.

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